Directors’ Welcome
Whilst 2021 was supposed to mark the beginning of the post-COVID era (or perhaps post-lockdown), unfortunately as the year progressed the students of Melbourne again found themselves confined to their desks as remote learning became the only viable option. However, not to be deterred, ESSA’s writing team continued to follow their economic interests and draw inspiration from the myriad of local and global events that took place over the course of 2021. As ever, our writers explored topics on historical economic thinking, contemporary issues and offered their predictions on the future.
As our news cycles continued to overflow with information, debate and opinion, the focus of this year’s Equilibrium publication centred on the social, technological and political change we are currently living through. With such a broad theme, we hoped to encourage our writers to assess their view of the world and pursue a topic that provided a lens to view the future.
Like previous years, EQ 2021 has truly been a cross-campus effort with many students from the University of Melbourne and Monash University investing their time and effort into creating this magnificent publication. We would like to thank all those who have contributed including our sponsors, writers, editors and graphic designers.
We hope you enjoy the read!
Joel Fernando & Sao Yang Hew (ESSA Melbourne & Monash Clayton)
Publications Directors 2021