Directors Welcome
I would like to extend my most sincere welcome to the seventh issue of Short Supply, an annual publication of the Economics Student Society of Australia. Launched in 2015, Short Supply served as a platform for students and industry professionals to share their views and insights on an annual theme of economic significance.
This year’s issue is themed ‘Generations’, which, I thought centered conversations about economics and policy in a wide variety of domains, whether it’s through theoretical macroeconomic models that emphasise passing on wealth via overlapping generations, or empirical studies in deciding equitable distributions of wealth, knowledge, and wellbeing across individuals deemed as ‘different’ in their generation. Surprisingly, record on economic phenomena related to intergenerational outcomes is a relatively recent development, i.e. right about when modern economics has evolved into a dinner table conversation following Keynes. It is interesting to see this tiny topic grow alongside economics, and to see perspectives from our slate of writers as well.
The discussion on generational gaps, whether related to economics or not, has definitely transcended pure theoretical studies, and it is of no mystery that this topic has been central to contemporary, informal discussion (bar the memes) about where each generation is headed to in times of crisis and prosperity. 2021 has been a time of crisis, and possibly hope as well, and as future economists the discussion of equitable distribution, and equitable treatment across individuals of different generations is definitely something interesting to ponder upon.
Overall, I am glad that I was able to contribute my bit to this project. All credit goes to our amazing writers and editors, alongside our industry writers, for which I would like to express my gratitude for their diverse, interesting, and insightful discussion on this topic.
Sao Yang Hew
Director of Publications (ESSA Monash Clayton)